Translation from the Seneca language: “People Of The Great Hill”
Experiencing the lack of contemporary Indigenous representation within the city of Buffalo, NY. Olivia presents a 35mm film series dedicated to the authentic representation of the community members of the Cattaraugus Territory of the Seneca Nation. Accompanied by a non-traditional-traditional mixed-media series, mixing ancient Indigenous craft and contemporary art. This series was created to reflect what a tribal community looks like… despite how U.S popular culture has altered the perception of these said communities.
Enjoy, nya:weh (thank you).
Protect our elders
Sabryna Stevens Studio Visit
Beading and creating beaded jewelry is one of the most popular art forms on the Cattaraugus Territory. Artist that create intricate beadwork pieces range from childeren to elders. It is one of the most assessable forms of art among many Indigenous communities in North America.
Reclaim What’s Ours
Reclaim What’s Ours speaks on issues that effect Indigenous communities within the U.S and Canada. These issues are land reclamation, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women epidemic, and the endangered role of women within leadership…
In collaboration with Hayden Haynes, a traditional antler and bone carver from the Cattaraugus Reservation.
Haynes plays an integral role in the revitalization of antler and bone carving practices within the Onondowa’ga’ communities. An educator, historian, and mentor to emerging artist, Haynes brings healing to many through his creations.
Necklace :"Message from our Ancestors" (2021) by Hayden Haynes. Collection of the Johnson Museum of Art
Seven Generations
“The Seven Generation” principle
An ancient Haudenosaunee philosophy that conceptualizes how the decisions and actions we make today will effect the next seven generations into the future.
How are you making an impact?
Who do you do it for?
Hayden Haynes Studio Visit
“To respect the artist and their energies that’s exerted and left behind in the wake of creation”
IHaynes Studio Study 3
35mm film photography
Montour Sisters
Dark & Light Rez Dogs
35mm film photography
Returning back to our roots
Also called a ‘social’ or ‘cake walk’…
A competition or gathering where traditional dancers compete for the spot as the best dancer within the gathering. Dancers often win prize money, gift cards, or title as ‘prince’ or ‘princess’. Powwows are intertribal events… hundreds of tribal nations hold powwows across North America. Also known as the ‘powwow trail’, where traveling artist, crafters, tradesmen, families, and dancers travel turtle island to attend powwows.
Anyone is welcome to attend as a viewer, but not everyone is welcome to participate.
Logan Booth
35mm film photography
Eagle Dan the Tradesman
35mm film photography
Mixed Medium Works
Mink, mink, mink
Mink pelt, beads, sinew, acrylic, acrylic gouache on canvas
1 x 3 ft
Sixty Sleepless Nights
White deer leather, cotton, sinew, beads, and wampum
Sixty 1.5’ x 3.5’ inch medicine pouches
A person of animal unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom.
Directed by Olivia Maybee
Co-director/Coreographer by Emelia Sikorsky
Produced by Ana Lyz Rodriguez & Anna Lia
Poem by Freeway G
Song: “Samthing’s Interlude” by Samthing Soweto & Kindness
Enjoy a BTS clip below…